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Ge-fanuc Versapro Software

  1. Proficy Machine Edition Download
Ge-fanuc Versapro Software

Proficy Machine Edition Download

Jairo,VP2.0x Std vs Pro main diff is that the Pro provides support for the 9070PLCs Platform.Note: Version 2.04 is the latest release as of today.I suggest you contact your distributor for SAFE upgrades and newer versions. OR, Upgrade to MACHINE EDITION LOGIC PROGRAMMER if 1) needs warrant, 2) PC has capabilty to support 3) PLCs have latest firmwares req'd, 4) cost is justified. Previous versions had-have Service packs available that should be reviewed & applied if applicable.VersaPro Std. Programming Software runs under Windows NT/ for programming all Series 90-30 and VersaMax PLCs. IC641VPH300 contains the SNP cable with RS485 Mini-Converter.VersaPro Professional Edition Programming Software runs under Windows NT/ for programming all Series 90-70, Series 90-30, and VersaMax PLCs. IC641VPH700 contains the SNP cable with RS485 Mini-Converter.For more information see the following url, you may have to copy paste entire lines into your browser.